Idioms about Focus

Isn’t it fun to use idioms instead of standard words? So here are some phrases you can use when you want to focus!

When you are telling someone that you are focused

  • I’m in the zone.

  • I’m giving it my all.

When you are telling someone to focus

  • Get your head down.

  • Really throw yourself into it.

  • Put your nose to the grindstone.

  • Knuckle down.

  • Buckle down.

  • Get in the zone.

  • Put your all into it.

  • Put everything into it.

  • Zero in on this.

  • Keep your eye on the ball.

  • Keep your hands on the wheel.

  • Keep your eyes on the prize.

When someone/something is being focused on

  • He’s the centre of attention.

  • She’s centre stage.

  • It’s under the spotlight.

  • It’s in the limelight.

When someone is too focused on small details

  • They can’t see the forest for the trees.

  • They are missing the big picture.

  • They are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  • They are penny wise, but pound foolish.

  • They are sweating the small stuff.


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