
from £7.99

How does it work? Select the number of words in your document or manuscript using the drop-down menu below. The word count can be found in all good word processing software. If your word count exceeds 10,000 words, you can increase the quantity below. For significantly longer manuscripts, contact us for a bespoke quote.

You can submit your writing when you add the service to your cart. Once payment has been confirmed, our editors will proofread your document or manuscript and return it mistake-free with errors highlighted and corrected.

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With proofreading, our editors will read through your document or manuscript to find and correct any errors that have been missed during previous drafts or earlier stages of the editing process. These are generally spelling and punctuation errors, but may also include errors in grammar. Proofreading is a more minimal form of editing which does not seek to drastically change the style or content of a document or manuscript. Consequently, it usually occurs at the end of the writing and editing process, when the document is essentially finished, and merely needs another, detailed reading by a new set of eyes.

We recommend proofreading if:

Your writing is in a relatively complete state, almost ready for submission or publication, and does not need significant changes to the style or sentence structure.