Fortune Feud - Lesson Pack
In this powerpoint lesson, you begin by going over politeness and etiquette as an introduction to the idea that students will be taking a survey. You then introduce them to the game ‘Fortune Feud’, before having them conduct a survey and create their own rounds to play.
Pack includes powerpoint lesson and a sheet with question examples for demonstration rounds.
The lesson plan covers at least 3 hours of teaching time.
In this powerpoint lesson, you begin by going over politeness and etiquette as an introduction to the idea that students will be taking a survey. You then introduce them to the game ‘Fortune Feud’, before having them conduct a survey and create their own rounds to play.
Pack includes powerpoint lesson and a sheet with question examples for demonstration rounds.
The lesson plan covers at least 3 hours of teaching time.
In this powerpoint lesson, you begin by going over politeness and etiquette as an introduction to the idea that students will be taking a survey. You then introduce them to the game ‘Fortune Feud’, before having them conduct a survey and create their own rounds to play.
Pack includes powerpoint lesson and a sheet with question examples for demonstration rounds.
The lesson plan covers at least 3 hours of teaching time.